Exhibition - Data Sculptures
Einblick / Ausblick 2024
fi*ktion - Deconstruction of pornographic images
Carolin Birkners
The Loss of Blue - Ocean Color in a Warming Sea
Adrian Herzig
Brittle diversity - The silent vanishing of the butterflies
Emily Steiner
Dorsch Data
Linea Walker-Friedrichs
OVUM - pollution shaped
Thiemo Frömberg
Who explains the World?
Theresa Günther
Perfect Cycle
Mialena Kneschke
The Energy of Data
Johannes Schütte

Carolin Birkners
Deconstruction of pornographic images

Adrian Herzig
The Loss of Blue
Ocean Color in a Warming Sea

Emily Steiner
Brittle diversity
The silent vanishing of the butterflies

Linea Walker-Friedrichs
Dorsch Data

Thiemo Frömberg
pollution shaped

Theresa Günther
Who explains the World?

Mialena Kneschke
Perfect Cycle

Johannes Schütte
The Energy of Data
How can we give data a physical form?
And how could these designs change the way
we experience data and the stories it can tell?